Sunday, June 18, 2006

Store will be open soon!!!!

EVERYBODY DOING it so....Here it goes~~~ As same as eveybody does!!!HEHE

Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me - it can only be one word long. Then copy and paste this into your blog so that I may leave a word about you...

MOOD: Working on my web rignt now and SOOoo HOT over 9o here~~~

If wanna see my ondone website Check here..... It will be open next week...I want to show youguys what you like...I need youguys opion : Iam selling my handmade card , yarn and hemp stuff~~~ My store name is COOL BUDDHA TONIC buddhaist my as him!!!!!


City Wiccan said...


Cool start to the store!!

Knit Picking said...


Nice start on your store, and as usual real creative names for your yarns! Cool store name too!

Good luck with the store.

Cheryl:) said...
