This is "Peace Fleece Worsted" yarn color in zarya fog(left) and Siberian Midnight. It was70% wool30% mohair worsted yarn. I love this yarn because its was 200yrd for $7.50!!!
Last month, I get a knitting book call "Heats Gloves Scarves" by Louisa Harding...I was trying to find some beanie pattern fora while. But in this book I finally find the beanie pattern!This beanie requied Merino yarn but i used worst yarn instead of merino type yarn. The beanie looks like this:
This is firist time knitting Beanie so..I Dont know what is gonna come out!!! Its gonna be backet or ball Dont know~~~ I start little bit today...
I almost finsh my baby blanket afghan for my cousin!! I will update this weekend!!
Ooo! How do you like Peace Fleece? I have wanted to order them for so long. I love that they reach out to make a difference in the world. Is the yarn soft? Is it fuzzy?
Have fun with the hat!
Jason!!! Peace Fleece yarn has 30% of mohair has a little fuzzy looks..but just little hair showing up when i knit.... This yarn is not soft as Knitpick "wool of andes". And little rough too!!!Like a hemp yarn
I think this yarn is great for the knitting beg or hat because it's rough like a carpet!!!
Joe~~ I recalculat my size to fit my head...because worsted yarn is much thicker yarn then merino yarn....So i made a less stitches and use smell needle to knit out!!!
Thanks JOE!!!
Oh, Charles, those beanies are very easy to do, you'll love doing them!! I don't know why the yarn should feel harsh... the wool and mohair combination should be quite soft. I haven't used Peace Fleece, but other yarns with that blend are quite nice. It might change a lot once it's washed. You ALWAYS wash your knitted goods after you finish them, right? Makes a big difference.
Waiting for the final pics!!
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