Hey everybody! I finally manage to finsh Irish Hiking Scarf for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Iam looking fine in this scarf..and make me cute!

Pattern : "Irish Hiking Scarf" by Hello Yarn
Yarn : Bernet "Cashmere" New yarn in Fall
Yardage : Four skein total 421yd using "Petal" Pink color
Total spent : $30 (It's Cashmer yarns)
Needle : Denise Needle Size 8(5mm)
Project Duration : 09/19/2007 - 10/13/2007
Recipient : For October "Breast Cancer Awareness" Canter

It came out really nice! Been sick for three week..
This scarf took me almost month to finsh knitting a scarf.
This scarf took me almost month to finsh knitting a scarf.

My fall lonely looks!

Cool shot!

Iam is so cute, Don't youguys think so?

Yarn Porn this Week:
Last week, I got my Opal yarn for really cheap price! I was looking to bid on socks yarn on ebay...One of seller listed $7.50 for now price and free shipping! So I got a two skein right alway! What a GREAT deal!

New Pattern for This Week:

Everybody know who is Mama-E is. She is great hand dyed yarn dyer. For her boy's socks yarn line, Dave creat a great Ridges and Ribs Socks pattern, supporting with her boy socks yarn. Buy some her boy socks yarn, knit some great Dave's Ridges and Ribs Socks!
Song of the week:

Artist : Nyles Lannon
Album : Pressure, 2007
From : San Francisco, CA
Style : Folk, Indle Rock
Have a great week everybody!
Knit hard~~~~
That scarf is so cushy and soft looking. I am not a "pink girl" but that shade is very soft and pretty. You look very refined in it. Hope you are feeling better and you have a great week, too.
The scarf looks great! Hope you're feeling better and schoo isn't getting in the way of life too much. :)
THe scarf looks great! And that you finished it in a month is awesome! It felt like it took me forever when I made it!
Looks great-you are the cutest!
kyoooooot! the scarf looks gr8, charles!
that yellow & brown opal yarn is amazing.
u rock.
The scarf looks great Charles! I love the color... It looks great on you!
cute scarf.... well done
luv Abby
NIce scarf, hate the pop ups, they are actually very trashy ads
awesome job and it looks great on you!
The pink scarf is just beautiful:) I am going to try and do the pattern. I have not been knitting lately, because of my new job. Thank you very much, for sharing the pictures of the beautiful pink scarf:)
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