And I been tagged MEME again by my dearist kntting friends Kyle and Kenny. Seems like a everybody been taged MEME by the knitters, I can not find somebody to tag them! So if youguys what to do Meme go head! If youguys didnt seen my Meme before, I did copy and past the old post so youguys read about me.
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I was born in south Korea. When I was six, with my family and I, immigrate to U.S.A. Ontil when i was 12 years old, I grow up in Honolulu, Hawaii. Then move to CA. From now, many people told me..I am a lucky guy. Why? There whole life time, people they never been to Hawaii before! They dreaming about what to go some day!
2. I LOVE SHOPPING! Such as book store, art & craft store, yarn other clothing shop.mall, if some thing, I like I MUST BUY IT, otherwise I can not sleep. I had a $2000 card limit on my credit card. NOW i have a $200 left...JUST LIKE that!(Of couse, i bought lots lots of yarn, books clothing and CDs) I HAVE TO STOP LOOKING AT online shop also. I will be broke soon! Somebody can stop me! PLEASE!(Thats why Iam working 12 hour day..Thats good thing! So i can shop More)
3. I love Hot guys! Youguys know already maybe not. Iam a gay guy(not out yet) when I walk on the road I see hot guy with good looking and hairy. I what to kiss him really badly! Iam really shy guy here...I need a date! First of all, i have to out from my family, tell them I am a gay..I still have a fear and scary how they gonna act after i tell them...Someday I have to them (Prey for me)
4. I dont have many friends. When, I was little, i have a big heartbreck still remeber in my heart. I had a lot of pain in my life start with elementary school ontill high school.All the friend hit me, tease me and shunned I ever injoyed with my school year. I was always alone. One story still in heart like a nail... when I was elementry school one of classmate He was korean too..He tease whatnever no reason and steal all my stuff even hit me really bad. Also same as high school too I never associate anybody still now. I am a same person as other people. I dont have disability too..why? One time i was thinking i want to die..My family dont know this..Just only telling youguy.
5. I LOVE ART! Watching it... Doing it... Every things!!!( I have a artistic blood on me because my grandfarher and dad both art artist painter and sculpture..)
6. Cooking is my thing. I really like to cook! I am planning to go cooking school next year..I injoy people eatting my food and make them happy! Also 365 day I always watch FOOD channel.
7. I can not DRANK liquor! Even drink one sip of wine..I can not stand myself. My face is red and throw up really bad!
8. I love doing hot tub "spa"! It is so zen like...So relaxing!
Back to my dyeing class update: I had a great time with my student last weeks at Hissy Knit where I teach. Thank You to Kendy at "Knitting Obsession" for great pic and taking my great yarn dyeing class.

Kendy was dyeing a lace weight for the New Fall Knitty"Muir" wrap. She did some over dyeing technique because she what muted color for his Muir wrap.
So she send me the pic of reskeined yarn they dyed. Color came out out really great! They also name there yarn.
Top: Camo, Cirque du Soliel / Bottom: Candy Corn, Petals on the Earth
NEW Socks Knitting Book:
I just find out Melissa Morgan-Oakes's NEW socks will coming out December. It has been fan of her Blog since then, Also I been seen her socks pattern at interweave knit ..Finally she published the"2 - at - a - time SOCKS" It will be published December 1. Please add amazon your wish list!
On My Knitting Needle:
I been knitting a "Irish Hiking Scarf" for supporting my local Breast Cancer center in CA area. If youguys dont know, October is the "National Breast Cancer Awereness Month". I am supporting knitting a pink scarf every year, because my aunt had a breast cancer since last year, she is still having a hard time recovering. I know! It is so sad to see her everytime. Please youguys need your help..knit some pink scarfs and donate to local breast cancer center. This will help for them to recovering! Also Lion Brand yarn doing a "Knit for life" so go and buy them!
MORE info about the "National Breast Cancer Awereness Month" Here is the website: or buy some Pink Ribbon Pin and support them!
Song of the week:

Song your hearing:
Song: "Suddenly Everything Happens"
Artist: California Snow Story
Album: 'Close To The Ocean'
Style: Slowcore, Folk, Pop
From: Scottish-based band
Hey, Charles! That cable scarf is fabulous. Those yarns from the dyeing class are very nice too. I was watching an episode of Knitty Gritty that I recorded the other morning and whoa, hey, there's Charles! It was fun to see you sitting on the Knitty Gritty Couch and knitting with Vicki. How much fun was that? Have a great week, I enjoy reading your blog.
Everyone comes out in his own time. When you're ready, it will happen naturally.
The handpainted yarns look great!
looks like you and everyone there had a blast at the dyeing class. They sure came up with some pretty colors!!!
The yarn is coming out nice and your Meme was very interesting. Thanks for sharing
It was fun to see the dying results! Can't wait to see what you did... Oh, and really love the song this week!
wow charles.
you're like yarn famous now, first you were on knitty griityy (i'm still jealous) and now you're teaching classes?
u rock.
I do like the Irish Hiking scarf pattern ; it's a nice quick and flashy gift for people and is fairly gender neutral.
I wanna take your dyeing class! =) The Irish Hiking scarf is on my list of things to knit. Yours looks great.
Charles. Thanks for your kind comments. Guess what!?!?!? I'm in California today and all week.
Tell me where to go?!?!?!
Hey Charles I enjoy reading your blog. Keep it going.
Glad you are feeling better.
Your friends' yarn from your dyeing class are great. It is also great that a mother and son do that together.
Thanks for mentioning my book. I am very excited about the whole thing and can't wait to see it printed! Really awesome that you got to be on Knitty Gritty!! I just met Vickie Howell last week at Webs. I've never seen the show because we don't have television. She was amazing and very sweet!
Thanks for the California Snow Story mention!
To say thanks...
A SPECIAL OFFER for Charle's Lifestyle and Knitting readers -
If you'd like to purchase California Snow Story - Close To The Ocean email Letterbox Records ( quoting 'Charle's Lifestyle and Knitting' and the album is yours for HALF PRICE!
Best wishes,
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