First of all, I have to say Thank you so much for helping AIDS Life-Cycle buying my stitch marker to help Krystfor to 547mile in 7days bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to make a world of difference in the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS.
He still need a youguys help with this ride, PLEASE send donations...such as yarn, knitted good and other handmade goods!! CHECK HERE to donation.

I injoy rocking does my favorite Knitting Cast!!! CHECK IT OUT!!
1.Lime and Violet - SUCH funny podcaster.....Lime and Violet are awesome!!
2.CraftBorg - Hosted by Julie Persinger and Rosemary Waits
3.The Mosh Knit- Punk RockKnitting Cast!!
2.CraftBorg - Hosted by Julie Persinger and Rosemary Waits
3.The Mosh Knit- Punk RockKnitting Cast!!
5.Stash and Burn - New pod-cast just came out!!
6. It's Purl, Man - "Guido" He is interviewing yarn shope and knit designer
7. KnitWit - Another grreat podcast...Talks about spinning and yarn.
8. Cast-On - A Podcast for knitters - by Brenda Dayne, I love her voice.
9.Math4knitters - She is great...A podcast about math for knitters
if wait to listen does PodCast check HERE
6. It's Purl, Man - "Guido" He is interviewing yarn shope and knit designer
7. KnitWit - Another grreat podcast...Talks about spinning and yarn.
8. Cast-On - A Podcast for knitters - by Brenda Dayne, I love her voice.
9.Math4knitters - She is great...A podcast about math for knitters
if wait to listen does PodCast check HERE
she is saying that 120,000yrd total? way..
After listening there cast, i start take out boxs boxs of my stash..
LOOK AT DOES STASH!!! NO Endless here!!!

So much of new yarn coming out,,
I can not stand to buy all the great yarn!

By the way....i just order new yarn $30 worth...
I can't stop looking at the yarn they have!!!
I just talk to Ann owner of 'Hissy Knit" (place i teach)
she is saying new yarncame!! So iam going to next to
buy some more yarn!
MORE YARN!! Five boxs of full of yarn! What can I do?
Another boxs of yarn....I think iam Yarn Disorder I mean "yarncoholic" people! post..I will post my lace socks iam working on! See ya!
I just talk to Ann owner of 'Hissy Knit" (place i teach)
she is saying new yarncame!! So iam going to next to
buy some more yarn! post..I will post my lace socks iam working on! See ya!
Oh my freaking God, Charles! And I thought I was bad. :-p Absolutely puny comparing to you.
that's a lot of yarn!!! great blog.
Love the yarn porn!! Amazing how much we have when you bust it all out. Yours is all gorgeous.
Isn't it funny how we tend to buy similar colors.....
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