I named it "famouse star blanket" Because it has a big start in the middle of the blanket..It is an easy project but it take alot of time. I am planning to crochet blanket sizes 46 by 72, so it is very big!..I dont have much time to finish it but some day i will finish...(maybe after 4 months!..who knows?)
I got this from bock store last week and i am enjoying it so much!! it is a great project for beginners...such as I!

inside the book, I found star patterns...the original project was "star bathmat", i like the mat but it was a little easy or foolish for me to crochet. So i devcided to make a blanket for the first time with this aawesome star patterns.
This was first start:
I made a 130 chain for the 46in wide with stitch 1. Two Single stitch.
2. Two double stitch by two stitch each row.
This is how far i made today......

This is how far i did today...God Help Me!!! Please!!!